I don't know how, lately, there this small passion for perfume grows in me. I read a lot bout perfume reviews and i've even bought and read Patrick Suskind novel, Perfume that actually made me learnt how to work the olfactory sense to its true potential. Since then there's so many scent to discover and so many aroma to enjoy. That new found skill made me appreciate or distinguish perfume much better than i used to. Calvin Klein which was once a favourite brand for perfume becomes the least desired choice for me, and vice versa for posh brands like Theirry Mugler, Givenchy and Dior.
Is it a problem..? em,not for now, but there a big potential it could be in the near future. it cost me quite a fortune where within a month period I've bought 10 different types of perfumes...! 9 within the last 72 hours. what a record for me who usually buy 1 perfume per year. Not all 10 are for me as most of them are presents for family members back in Malaysia. I kept only 4 for myself. gilerr...
so, here's my short statement. "No more perfume shopping in 6 months time." That should do the work as i'm a man of his word. haha
Is it a problem..? em,not for now, but there a big potential it could be in the near future. it cost me quite a fortune where within a month period I've bought 10 different types of perfumes...! 9 within the last 72 hours. what a record for me who usually buy 1 perfume per year. Not all 10 are for me as most of them are presents for family members back in Malaysia. I kept only 4 for myself. gilerr...
so, here's my short statement. "No more perfume shopping in 6 months time." That should do the work as i'm a man of his word. haha
p/s: Still aiming for Dior Homme and A*Men by Theirry Mugler. *hint* sape2 nak berterime kasih kat aku, bleh la kasi aku either one. hehe *hint*
thats a bold statement ur making. m sure when it's near july and the summer sale is blazing hot on a tax free airport shop u'll regret what u said here and its gonna be too late to swallow ur big pride. keskeskes..
i totally agree..welcome to the gile perfume club..once start susahh wooo nak stop
yep that's the purpose of this entry.. to keep my word. if i break it, korang bleh la kutuk aku giler2...
ika: club ni xde member's discount ker..? hehe, i won't join that club now. maybe dah jadi consultant bleh la...
kasik permission? looking forward to..
Ape kutuk2 orang nih ish ish ish.Haha
i kno where u bought the airwick
"Since then there's so many scent to discover and so many aroma to enjoy."-jazree
quote ni boleh masuk my list "top 10 quote yg buat aku gelak tergolek2".
ape grammar yg tak btul lak skang ni..?
x kisah la.. happy to make u tergolek golek. jage baby tu skit time golek2.
i watched the movie few days ago. i don't think i like what happened in Grass (btul ke eja xsure) in the end, i mean surely there's more than that to depict the power of the greatest scent. macam apa je..n the ending stinks too..but the movie in overall was not bad for a suspense/thriller, kinda different. my rating? ***/*****. probably ****/***** for Jean Baptist - he he
for me it's an excellent read even the ending is quite lame. but as any other film adaptation don't think it's enough to portray the real story. novel book is all about ur own imagination. u're the director n also the audience. film is only for those who can't imagine.. haha..
"we don't need tv.all we need is imaagiinaaation..." - spongebob
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